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Image by bhuvanesh gupta

Relationship Healings

Most of our life revolves around relationships, most of us also peg our emotional state to our relationships with people around us and this forms the basis on which we live our entire life sometimes.


However  when you understand that your relationship with yourself is one of the most important relationship that needs to be nurtured and thereafter all other relationships will fall in place, we will be at peace within and with our external relationships as well.

relationship healing

As of now most relationships are just wounded attractions to the other, the hole in one person gets attracted to the hook in the other and vice-versa, and this attraction is misunderstood for Love.


What we lack in ourselves we try to find in the other and want someone else to fill that wound instead of looking within and healing that wound.  

It is like not wanting to study for an exam and wanting to clear it in whichever way possible..



Healing Happens when you accept that the relationship you are having trouble in is just mirroring your wounded-Self.


The pain is trying to make you conscious of it so that you can heal yourself.

 That is when true inner happiness comes and you won’t depend upon someone else to make you happy.. 


Relationships are here for us to work on our shadow self and the more shadow work we do, the more we will attract healthy, positive and loving relationships.


That said, many times there are relationships that our karma is over with, and then staying in those relationships is just toxic for our Soul, in that case, you need to let go of the relationship, learn what you can learn and you need to move on with forgiveness and grace so that you do not repeat the same pattern in your next relationships.


If the wound still remains unhealed, it will just attract another hook elsewhere.




When you heal your relationship with yourself and when you truly are capable of loving yourself – all of it.. completely… you will become a magnet for loving relationships in your life!!!

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