Are you listening to what this Summer solstice coming along with the Energy of the Full Moon is saying to you?
Solstices are important time in our yearly cycle, whether we are aware of it or not, we are all linked to the energy of the Sun, Moon and Earth along with other planetary influences. Our Emotions & thoughts and thus our life is linked to these Cosmic Cycles
The Sun is connected to our Solar plexus, our identity, our sense of Self, how we perceive ourselves in the scheme of things, Our courage in life or lack thereof!
Take time out today to reflect on the Sun – Externally and internally. In Ancient cultures, people would gather around sacred fires or pay homage to the Sun in their own ways.
This energy asks us to pause and have a look into our lives, what we need to let go of, things that haven’t been working in the past months and what we intend to create for the next cycle.
The Light of the SUN is at its peak right now, which means we have the opportunity to tap into its energy and use it for expansion or abundance in our lives, to give power to our goals and projects, to create New experiences going forward.
Things you can do:
· Greet the Sun – Surya Namaskar – no co-incidence the World Yoga day is celebrated on this day.
· Tratak - Light a candle / Diya - Gaze at the flame keeping it about 2 feet away from you at eye level with the intention to burn away or transform anything that is not serving you, physically , mentally, emotionally and Spiritually. – You can practice this for 5/10 mins or more if you need to – after that just close your eyes, sit in silence for a few minutes and allow this light to do its work.
· Watch the Sunrise or Sunset out in Nature.
· Take a ritual bath with salts and essential oils with the intention to cleanse yourself of the Energies that are not serving you, If you can take a dip in the ocean, nothing like it, as the ocean absorbs the energies of the Sun and sea salt is the best cleanser.
· Meditate on the light of the Sun shining on top of you.
· Journal – Change your story – write down the story of your past that you have been living unto now and all that you wish to change in it, then write My New Story and create it just the way you want to see your life unfold.
I think that’s a lot for now, taking small consistent steps towards your goals, help us in going a long way ahead.
Wishing you all, the very best. Happy Solstice!