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YOU are Divine!

Updated: Mar 10, 2023

The Supreme being is beyond description, this is my belief and have always felt that anyone who tries to describe God, is just making a futile attempt at something that cannot be described.

So here is my futile attempt at my understanding of the Great ONE.

God, Creator, Source , All that is!

We ‘think’ we know, or probably don’t really know according to our limited understanding, to me is just an essence or a massive force of energy not only of our solar system but that of all the multiverses put together. The energy of the Divine pervades all of life, down to each atom and electron. Without this energy nothing would exist, we exist in the creator, thus everything IS the creator, the mundane things like furniture, cars, books, brushes down to a pin are all the manipulation of this creative energy, the Cosmic force.

Whenever I think of God and Humans, I’ve always had this vision of human’s being these tiny tiny things hanging under one huge umbrella (being the God Consciousness), playing with the energies of our Universe/God, some are down below and some are higher up, but nonetheless under that same umbrella we are One, and we all serve a purpose.

A lot of us blame God for our situations in life or we fail to see the divinity in all beings as some people have really caused us unbearable pain, so to un

derstand that God is in them as well is difficult. I understand where you’re coming from as I have been in that scenario for many years of my life, and when I heard the concept of God in everything for the first time, my reaction to it was, “How is that possible?” What about all those who do soo much harm, and so much wrong in the world, what about the God aspect in them…? However during the course of my healings and experiences therein, and further in my study, I feel my understanding of the Trinity of God(Which is in all religions) – Love, Light and Power in humans has probably taken a new meaning.

Each of us have these energies in us however in different proportions, Like Master Choa says, “The Light is always there, How much comes to you, depends upon you.” When you are healing someone, you are just a channel of the Divine Energy, in that moment you realize that there is no bias, we are all the children of the Divine, His/her energy is always there for us to tap into, it only depends upon the individual, also the other thing which you realize during healings is that everyone has a Light in them, everyone has Love in them, it is the negative entities and belief’s such as fear, anger, jealously, doubt, Lack of self esteem & insecurities (part of fear) given by the society to the person, that cause the Love and Light in a person to get overshadowed, none the less the Light is there in each one of us.

Also as a society we tend to be so cautious about others, from the moment we are born and sometimes even before that, fear is conditioned into us, statements like:

“Don’t do this or that otherwise this will happen.”

“If you don’t do ____, Something will go wrong.”

“Eat this, don’t eat that… and in a lot of countries the mothers tell their children, if you don’t eat your food, a Ghost will come and scare you.

And many such false statements which have become a part of our culture..

What happened to celebrating life? What happened to the Faith that God walks with me, and no harm can come to me.

It is mainly the the fear and darkness inside of us, which attracts negative people and situations in our life… Think about it….when you come from a place of love and faith, you would have attracted happy healthy relationships, when you are bitter you attract unhealthy relationships and patterns in your life… I guess that is why rebound relationships do not work! because they are mainly based on our own fear, insecurities and anger.

We have reached a point where, subconsciously we are looking for the wrong in most people, instead of focusing on the goodness inside each one, that ironically gives energy to the negative qualities instead of the positive ones and thus making it more difficult for the person to change himself/herself.

However when we change the energy within us to that of Love, Light & forgiveness and try to understand why a person lets the negative qualities overtake their action/behavior then we can each act as a support and a channel for their growth, the growth to the society as a whole. Most of the times it is very difficult to do that, however its a habit just like any other, not only to create a more loving world, however to heal ourselves as well.

I would suggest in situations like this to do Forgiveness as given below for the Soul who has caused you harm or suffering, when we do the following we realise that the Soul is always pure energy. The different qualities that the Soul tends to embody from its surroundings that makes him/her harm others and moreover itself, it is the weakness of the Soul that makes a person difficult to be around.

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