A Few thoughts on Maha Shivratri, which I feel could help us see another perspective or maybe an esoteric understanding to this celebration. The marriage of the Divine feminine and Masculine in us also refers to our Kundalini energy, which is why this night has the propensity of trigger our Kundalini Awakening(will explain below).
MahaShivratri occurs on the 13th night of the Lunar month as per the Vedic calendar. The number 13 is a very auspicious number when looked at from a Cosmic perspective. In the ancient Celtic and Pagan traditions it was always considered to be a lucky number, even today in the ancient traditions which generally followed a Matriarchal system(Lunar calendar), the number 13 is considered to be auspicious.
It is the Number of the Divine Feminine energies, which have been entering our Solar system for the last couple of years gradually and slowly changing things in our world, and this is just the beginning…
Thirteen in the Solar system is also a number of the Void, of the Darkness/Yin energies..(makes sense for 13th night to be the darkest in the month), After the 12 dimensions of consciousness, the 13th is the Void, it is a place where we are one with the entire cosmos, where we can go into the silence and absorb the energies of the Universe and understand our part in it, it is the Cosmic womb that provides nurturing to our Souls, where we can come face to face with our strengths/weakness and the oneness of all.
It is a time for reflection before we begin the next phase of our lives.. It is a time of releasing and letting go of the burdens that our soul has been carrying, of greater understanding, strength and wisdom. Darkness is a wonderful teacher, it is important to experience it in order to grow spiritually in our lives. It is the feminine energy in our lives which has been misinterpreted for years. If the number 13 has been unlucky for you, maybe it is time to look back on how you have treated the Yin energies, what your outlook towards them has been and it is time to make peace with it, to understand and respect it.
So the theory behind, Women being told they can make wishes for their married life or for a partner like Shiva if they are still single, doesn’t really make practical sense, but maybe it was a patriarchal way of letting the women know that it is their day!
It is associated with the energy of the Divine Feminine to bring life, happiness, joy and fulfillment to this world, the Divine feminine which harnesses the energy of Lord Shiva, The Divine Masculine(Cosmic Consciousness) to bring it down to Earth and to Humanity, so we can have a chance to Develop the qualities of the Divine Masculine along with The Divine Feminine, thus explaining the marriage of Shiv-Shakti… of the raising of the Kundalini energies within our own bodies, thus the staying awake at night so we can be aware of these energies mingling in our Physical and Energetic bodies, Experience The Divine Marriage within our system, Which is not possible unless we understand the importance of both these energies working in harmony within our outer life. Also when we understand how both these energies are important in the creation of life and thus the manifesting of wishes, we understand why we are told to make a wish!
Also the fact that both the energies are equally important, when things go out of balance that is when chaos starts unfolding, not only in our personal lives, but also in the energies of our professional, country and world environments..no one is superior to the other, it is only through harmonizing both the factors that we can bring balance to our lives and this world.
In spiritual circles they say you should Pray & Meditate all night, main reason is so that the energies of the Divine Marriage taking place between Heaven and Earth can be absorbed by our nervous system (which is more effective when we keep our spine straight, hence the staying awake!), When we do this with awareness & devotion we are truly an instrument of the Divine and can be called upon to do their work. Another thing that unfolds when spiritual light flows through our spine and our nervous system is that the purpose of our life is revealed to us, which makes our existence worth the effort!
Of course there is more to it, but that is something which is easily available to read online, so I do not wish to replicate.. This is my understanding of this auspicious day and I hope to offer you a different perspective on it.
Wishing you all Blessings of the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine.. May all your wishes come true!