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888 Portal - Lions Gate – The Cosmic Sun aligns with Sirius and Mother Earth.

Updated: Aug 1, 2024

On the 8th of August every year the Great central Sun also known as the Cosmic sun aligns with Orion's Belt with its focus on the Star Sirius which is also considered by the Ancient ones as the Star system that birthed the Human Race. Some say it is where the Ascended masters are watching over our Solar system from. According to scientists Sirius(A & B) and the Earth are deeply connected through gravitation and we move in space together, Any activity that happens on or between these two stars affects our Solar Sun.

I believe Sirius is connected to the Heart of I AM (Christ energy), and are beings of Love watching over the evolution of our planetary system, it is a channel for the energy of the Cosmic I AM presence to flow down to Earth. An interesting fact is that the spiraling movement of Sirius A & B is identical to the geometries of the human DNA molecule! Makes me think if the hermetic principle of “As above, so below” applies here, maybe there is some connection.

We also know from the Old religious writings that the Ancient Egyptians believed that god’s descended from the Orion's belt and Osiris was associated as the Divine masculine energy from Orion and Sirius was the Divine Feminine energy associated with Isis, together they formed the human civilization.

So, what happens on the 8th of August is the the Stars of the Orion’s belt ( Also known as the 3 kings* or Sisters ) align directly with the 3 pyramids of Giza and form a channel of unimpeded flow of the Cosmic Christ light to the light of the Cosmic Womb ( Known by the early Egyptians as the ‘ halls of Amenti’ located in an energetic center below the Great pyramid of Giza ). So this brilliant Cosmic Light of Creation aligns with our Spiritual Sun ( Sirius) , Our physical Sun down to the Pyramid of Giza and the central meridian of the Earth going down to the Womb of creation forming a bridge of Light between Heaven and Earth.

On this day the Portal of Divine light is open for Humanity to receive and create the shifts required in our lives. It is a good time to contemplate our connection to our Star families or our relationship to The Cosmic I AM, Paramatma, Creator Energy.

The Sun governs our Solar Plexus Chakra( about 2 inches above the navel), Our emotional center, our sense of ‘Self’ as reflected to the world, it is also a center of our Lower Will, to get things done, our feelings, our way of expression. It maybe a good idea to focus on how we are feeling, what emotions are arising and developing the courage to face them…Breathe through these emotions, try and understand yourself better and why you feel a certain emotion strongly, How you connect to the outside world, is it really a reflection of your true self, or something you’re projecting yourself to be as a result of conditioning. Also focus on the Heart center and see what comes up, Both these Chakras are similarly connected within our bodies as the connection between the Solar Sun and Spiritual Sun (Sirius) – As above, so below.

The reason why this is called the Lions gate is because this happens when the Sun is in the Sign of Leo Astrologically, Leo(Lion) is the Energy of the Sun… It shines light on everything that is brought to its awareness. It also represents the Spirit inside of Each one of us.

I personally believe that these are all signs from the Universe to help us align with our I AM presence or our higher selves at a deeper level, to listen to that 'still small voice within', rather than to get pulled in by the egoic voices of the masses, This entire decade starting form 2020 to 2030 is all about bringing a mass change in humanity and the way we have been functioning in the past, the Solar flares that have been hitting the Earth's energy field as well as the Schuman resonance (which is like the Earth's heartbeat) has been off the charts during these periods in the past years and has led us to some dramatic shifts in energy on a personal level as well in our homes, relationships and the way we look as life as such. A lot of things are shifting on a macro as well as micro level and its time for us to embrace these energies and ask how we can align ourselves for our highest good.

I wish you all make the most of this day and time and align your inner Sun to the great Cosmic Sun.

P.S – *3 kings – Reminds me of the Story of the 3 Priests(3 stars of the Orion belt) who came from East (Sirius rises from the East) to visit Baby Jesus (Spiritual Sun! – Christ energy maybe?

Ever Since I was a child one of my favorite Christmas songs has been “We 3 kings of Bethlehem…” Sometimes the Soul knows things which you don’t understand till much later …. I am glad I can finally make sense of why I was so crazy about this Song from the age of 6.

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1 Comment

Renuka Mann
Aug 07, 2023

Maybe also when I was 6/7 yrs old in Loretto School Lucknow,I participated in a Christmas Carol. ' We three Kings.' I was quite fascinated by our act of going to bless baby Jesus 🙏🏾💗.

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