I have been asked this question a lot in my healings and have usually gone blank – as there is so much to it that it isn’t something you can explain in a sentence or over a phone conversation. So I am writing this article which I hope I am able to do justice towards.
Since most of you by now know that our emotions are the main cause of dis-ease in our physical body and science now has proven the same to be true, it is almost essential for us to take care of our emotions as we take care of our physical body, that is to say no negative thoughts and feelings, no judging, criticizing & complaining, no doubts, anger, jealousy, irritation, fear etc… Is it difficult? Yes! Impossible? No…
After all, that is why we are here, working out our issues within ourselves that cause the circumstances externally, otherwise we would be in heaven enjoying the benefits of a celestial life…!!! (probably that is why they say, good people go fast, the rest still have their lessons to learn or purpose to serve)
To begin with and one of the most important things is Faith. Faith in God, faith in the Universe and in all things good.
In the Gita we have a saying, “Jo hua, accha hua, jo ho raha hai, sahi ho raha hai aur jo hoyega, acha hoyega” (Whatever happens, happens for the best).
Most of us believe in God or a power higher than us which is running this whole universe and more. If you believe in a power that is just and true and non-biased then you should know and have faith that he/she will not put you in situations that you do not deserve. Think what you could have done or where you went wrong? Where are your thoughts incorrect? Or were you fearing that something like that would happen? (in which case you are telling the universe, you don’t have faith in it to take care of you and brought it upon yourself by the Law of attraction). Did you do likewise to someone else? Did your actions or negative thoughts create the situation you are in? If you go deep within and ask you will get an answer.
Sometimes what happens is we don’t remember, we feel we don’t deserve it and that is right. No one deserves troubles and worries in life, but at the same time, we are all born on this planet to work out a purpose to learn and grow to be the ‘Image of God’. Which is why we take so many lifetimes to perfect ourselves and that is fine. It’s not easy and by being harsh on ourselves we make it more difficult for ourselves to achieve it. Thus we have situations in our life where we feel, “I have been good to everyone and not harmed anyone, then why did this happen?” But if we remembered our past lives we would probably not ask that question. We would remember what we did in that situation and instead of cursing, crying and blaming people, you would forgive and ask for forgiveness from the person involved or from God. You would be able to brace the situation gracefully and remember not to repeat it.
Now, you would ask, Why can’t I remember my past life? Well I’m guessing the reason is that God wants us to be pure in our hearts and genuinely have love and compassion for people, not because we are afraid of the consequences in our next life… Of course those who believe in re-incarnation know that you have pay your dues in some lifetime or the other.
What if you don’t believe in re-incarnation? Well then I would assume you believe in a God who is biased, because if he/she is fair, then we should all be born equal, why is one son of God rich and the other poor, one healthy and the other weak? Only for their own actions does one invite such situations into their lives. However what you believe is what you believe and I will not question that.
After all, Karma is something you cannot run from, else it would not have been taught so widely in all faiths including in nature, “As you sow, so shall you reap.” You cannot plant lemons and expect mangoes to grow..!!! Keep abusing someone and expect that person to still love you and say yes sir, three bags full… Nope! not happening… either that person will just leave or will someday get back at you.
Sometimes we have small tests in life, especially when you decide to go on the spiritual path, you will be subject to a lot of ups and downs, situations will arise in your life just to check if you have learnt patience, compassion, peace & wisdom, how you react to those situations determines if you are ready to move ahead or not, and if you reflect upon the situations you will realize what it came to teach you.
Also, if we understand that we are all different, we all have had different upbringing and different situations in our life which have inculcated certain traits in us, everyone is born with a different set of sanskars (inherent values) which is why we react and behave differently but essentially we are one and we are all loved by the ‘One’ Supreme being (One God)like this children, We are the branches of the One Tree of Life… One family, then we will come to have patience & love for others and instead of holding grudges we will try and be compassionate, everyone deserves love, especially those who hurt you, as they are the ones most deprived of it.(When you don’t have something how can you give it to others)
So, basically it boils down to compassion and understanding for all, looking at the bigger picture and weeding out unnecessary disturbance instead of getting yourself stuck in every pothole possible.
Don’t judge the book by its cover, understand why someone would hurt you or why you react in a particular manner. Spend some time reflecting on life instead of fighting with it.
Most of us know all these things but fail to apply it in our life unless something drastic happens. I would suggest that every night before sleeping, reflect on your day and your emotions and erase all the negative emotions of the day, replace them with positive thoughts and understanding. Forgive those who hurt you and ask for forgiveness from those whom you may have hurt and you will be on your way to a strong emotional body.
The Soul is always pure, maybe not perfect! However our aim should be to get there.
Take care of your emotions, don’t let them rule you, feel them, acknowledge them, ask why you feel in a certain way? What are the triggers? understand why they visited you and let them pass.
Don’t cry over spilt milk, it happened for a reason, probably it was toxic.
We can all be emotionally strong and I do not mean suppressing your emotions but understanding where they come from and why?
For those who knew me a couple of years back knew how emotional I was and understanding of these things has really helped me, I Hope they help you too.
Love & Light.