This is a topic not many people understand easily, however it is one of the most important factors for healing to occur.
And I know it’s easy to preach but it is very difficult for people to do – especially when you have been let down & hurt by your near and dear ones, but when you understand energy and how it works, you realise, that it is not someone else you’re doing it for, you’re doing it for yourself.
When you look at the energy of anger or a grudge in your aura energetically, it feels really itchy and heavy, this energy then slowly seeps into your organs and cells and it becomes a pattern in your life.
After seeing so many such aura’s , I finally understood Lord Buddha’s quote on a much deeper level. “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” and nothing is closer to the truth than this.
I have seen and felt the energy of anger and resentment in many among those who seek healing, and it forms a blockage in your life on many levels.
Physically it can come up as a disease, emotionally it creates similar patterns of hurt and anger, And spiritually it can keep you from moving forward in life, since we are not learning to let go. The universe will bring us to a point where we understand the importance of forgiveness, as long as that energy is in your aura, you will attract more of the same energy. This is something you have to do for yourself, no healer can do this work for you.
When you do forgiveness for your own self and your own life, then it becomes less of a challenge. In fact in my experience, I have seen people only do it when they are really in a fix and desperately need to change their life.
You will notice that when you’re holding onto grudges, life will constantly push similar things to you which will cause more pain and anger or sadness, more of the same emotion will repeat itself unless you have forgiven and healed that energy from within you.
Forgiveness is going to be one of the major things that will help you sail through the times that we are entering. The energies entering our planet are too strong and fine for the energy of anger and resentment, and if you’re holding that in your aura, it is only going to cause problems.
Forgiveness is also very closely related to law of karma . As per our teacher Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. The Law of Mercy & Forgiveness supersede the Law of Karma.
We all have Karma and that’s why we are here, so we can work that out. However, in our ignorance, we end up creating more negative Karma… the energy keeps going back and forth… Negative Karma however can be negated by using the Law of Forgiveness and the Law of Mercy.
Forgiveness doesn’t make you weak- its only your ego that makes you believe that – ego tells you you must take revenge else you are weak or the person who has hurt you is a bad person. Unfortunately it’s nothing but a conditioning since childhood.
However when you see it energetically, it is just the opposite of that… its the people with weak unhealthy and fragile aura’s who cannot forgive, all the great Saints, the strong souls who have walked this planet have taught and practiced forgiveness as one of the main virtues .
Instead of understanding why a certain event has happened in our life, we just want to judge and blame… when you understand the lesson behind why you have been hurt – your spirit will be joyful and happy and your soul will feel a sense of relief..
It is one of our most important lessons in life.
If forgiveness was not so important, Jesus Christ on the Cross would not have said, “Lord forgive them, for they know not what they do.” There is a lot of power and a strong message in these words…
In my personal experience – I consider it a miracle tablet – its the fastest way of letting go of karma… every time i’m in a fix I just bless the person and suddenly things start resolving, Since the energy that is there has changed and is flowing now instead of being blocked. I have managed to bring peace to a lot of relationships which could have gone the other way…And who doesn’t like peace in their lives?
I feel we should, say thank you to someone who has hurt you – they have taken away a huge load of karma from you… it is actually a time of rejoicing and I know this sounds completely insane…. But we need to remember, nothing happens without a reason, and also that the universe always has our best interest at heart.
If something wrong has happened in your life, it is either taking away a huge load of your karmic baggage or it is reminding you that you need to course correct.
Don’t take life so seriously , we all make mistakes!
If you look at it spiritually and listen to your higher self you would from your heart bless the soul who has hurt you.. that person needs peace and love in their life , because as of that time , they are operating from a place of fear and lack..
If someone is angry or has upset you, it is coming from a place within them and is a reflection of what’s in them, it has nothing to do with you, so don’t take is personally, bless them with Peace and Love because at that time this is what they are lacking, and once you do that you can literally see their energy change.
By using the Law of Mercy and Forgiveness, it is possible that many terminally ill patients can be healed. This again is something that I have guided people on and have seen the energy change and their illness starting to heal… Also sever life problems including relationships issues can be easily resolved. Marriages at the brink of a break up have also been saved…
Sometimes it is difficult for forgive the person as such – so in that case you can address the soul of the person by saying Atma (name of person) Namaste.
The soul is always pure, it’s the personality that gets mixed up…
You can use this short prayer to heal any relationship and resolve the negative karma from it.
Atma —- namaste
We are all children of God, We all make mistakes, I forgive you for all the pain, hurt and suffering you have caused me on all levels and in all dimensions of time and I release this hurt. I release you from this karma.
Please forgive me for all the pain, hurt and suffering that I may have caused you on all levels and in all dimensions of time and please release me from this karma.
May Gods peace and blessings be with you, May God’s Peace and blessings be with me.
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti..!
“Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy” – Matthew 5:7
“It is in pardoning that we are pardoned.” – St. Francis of Assisi
“One must forgive others, before one can seek divine forgiveness’ – Matthew 6:12