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I believe that there is one Divine Mother. 

However, Just like a mother knows when to show compassion, when to be loving, when to be a guiding light and when tough love is needed She takes the form of the Goddesses whose energy we need at that particular time.

Every Goddess has a certain quality & energy and ways of connecting to her and the same is also present in each one of us in different ways, sometimes in her best form and sometimes as a shadow energy.

There is nothing one cannot overcome when we invoke the Goddess's energy into our lives.

Let’s journey back into the ingenious times and ways of connecting with this beautiful, powerful and surreal energy.

She is the Shakti, she is the kundalini rising, she is the power behind all of creation.


Are you ready to go in to the deepest recesses of your hearts and bare your Soul to the Divine Mother?

Are you ready to transform your limiting beliefs, thoughts & emotions and all that is preventing you from moving forward into the best version of yourself?

I invite you all, if you have the heart call to take this journey with me into the world of Shakti  - The Divine Feminine way.

Understanding the role of the Divine mother in her various avatars, and the archetype of the Goddess within us all, and her role in our Emotional growth & healing.

These sessions will Shift the way we perceive these deities.

Pre-recorded Videos are available for Each of these Goddess Sessions

Goddess Healing

Healing with Ma Kali

Ma Kali is the Divine Mother who heals our souls using “tough love”….She dissolves our ignorance, darkness & falsehood, her energy is like a bolt of lightning that passes through our heart and Soul revealing all that we have hidden under false veils… She forces our deep emotions to come up on the surface so we can see them for what they are and we can overcome our patterns of pain and suffering and rise above them…


Understand Kali as time, space, prana and Agni


Kali’s power within us if it is suppressed will cause rage, anger and dis-ease in the body, sometimes it can also manifest as a psychological imbalances, we react in ways we do not intend to and don’t really know why we are feeling certain shadow emotions…

Whereas, the Kali energy within us when expressed in its full grace & beauty has the power to liberate us from all bondage’s that cause pain & suffering..


If you feel called to understand this Powerful Shakti that lies within us all and find liberation from your wounded selves.

What to look forward to in this healing.

  • Releasing old patterns and emotions which keeps us stuck.

  • See yourself in your absolute truth, without any veils

  • The power of radical changes – understanding death and re-birth.

  • Understanding the importance of the void/darkness and the spiritual symbolism behind her pictures.

  •  Radical purification and detoxification – physical & mental.

  • Journaling, asking questions to the divine mother, and receiving her guidance.

  • Breathwork & Asanas help us understand the kali shakti within us.

  • Understanding Kali as the Amygdala & Shiva as the Neocortex.

  • Importance of working with Kali for Kundalini awakening.

ma kali

Goddess Healing - Ma Saraswati & Matangi

May Saraswati – Goddess of knowledge, who is praised by the wise, who is the wife of the creator – reside on my tongue – Hymn to Saraswati


Our planet, Mother Earth is going through a process of purification as of now and so are many Souls... It is a time for major change and transformation and from changing His story into Her-Story!

The Divine Mother is always there for her children - In whichever form we have connected with her or not, we are all

part of her energy play.


In understanding our #divinefemine energy, we make space for understanding the role of the Divine #masculine as well. When either one is out of balance, it affects us on many levels.


Unearthing the Goddess is a process of healing and nurturing all aspects of our being including the wounded aspects of the goddesses within us.

What to Expect in this session

  • Importance of Ma Saraswati from an Esoteric perspective and understanding her Archetype

  • Saraswati flow through our chakras and nadi's.

  • how she is the inspiration and the intuitive insight within us?

  • How to work with the shadow aspect of Saraswati?

  • tune into her wisdom for clarity in thought and speech.

  • Why do we invoke Saraswati before Lakshmi in prayers.

  • Pranayam and Meditation to allow Saraswati's flow into our life.

  • Understanding how our words create our world and purification

  • Exercise on how to work with her in our regular life.

ma saraswati

Healing with Goddess Lakshmi

Goddess of Abundance, Good fortune & Desire.

Goddess Lakshmi is the energy of pure unconditional love

 We all desire Lakshmi in some form or the other, be it material gifts, inner radiance, harmony, peace, and balance or simply her grace as the Divine Mother in our lives bringing Joy to all that we do... She represents the cycle of giving & receiving, She lies within us as Love & balance..

ma laxmi

What to Expect in this session

  • Understanding abundance as a part of universal consciousness.

  • Lakshmi in her stable and unstable forms.  Difference between Vishnupriyaye and RajaLakshmi.

  • The Root & Heart chakra's importance in bringing Lakshmi's grace within us.

  • Law of Cause & Effect on all levels and the art of manifestation.

  • The art of blessing and its importance in changing our inner state of being.

  • Healing shadow aspects of Abundance in our life.

  • Prosperity meditation

  • Contemplating on this Shakti in your life.

  • Becoming Lakshmi Meditation.

Healing with Goddess Durga

Embodying the masculine & feminine aspects of the trinity she is the Supreme Goddess or Maha Devi.

She is the mother who helps us come into our own sense of power, she will take the form of a loving as well as fierce goddess as and when required..


She helps us overcome our inner battles so we can emerge victorious with our internal as well as external enemies

What to Expect in this session

  • Learning to let go of our inner ego/demons that keep us stuck in old patterns of pain and suffering

  • Bringing the courage to make great shifts & changes in our life by working on our inner will.

  • finding what your inner obstacles are and how they are affecting your life presently.

  • Understanding of the Goddess as the power of Kundalini Shakti within us and how she opens up in layers of blockages within us when the wakening process starts.

  • transformation exercises

  • Kundalini breath work to help with the cleansing process.

  • Meditation to bring out our inner warrior Shakti to heal all that doesn't serve us.

Healing with Goddess Tara

She's the embodiment of the Divine Mother in the form of Tara - Her name meaning Star which is related with Navigation, both literally and metaphorically helping us transcend all kinds of situations in life from material to spiritual.

With her form ranging from fierce, to the Mother of endless compassion & love, one of the Wisdom Goddesses, she is the energy of AUM manifesting what we need in life for every situation.

With many mantras embodying her energy, she lies in the most subtle way in the sound of her breath.(Soham)


A quotation from the 14th Dalai Lama about Tārā:


There is a true feminist movement in Buddhism that relates to the goddess Tārā. Following her cultivation of bodhicitta, the bodhisattva's motivation, she looked upon the situation of those striving towards full awakening and she felt that there were too few people who attained Buddhahood as women. So she vowed, "I have developed bodhicitta as a woman. For all my lifetimes along the path I vow to be born as a woman, and in my final lifetime when I attain Buddhahood, then, too, I will be a woman."


She truly is the Mother of Liberation and success on all levels.

What to Expect in this session

  • Tara in her Buddhist & Vedic versions

  • Tara as Breath and the Pranayam related with bringing her energy into our daily lives and understanding consciousness itself.

  • Tara as Quan yin, NilaSarasvati & Ugra tara

  • Mantra's purifying certain psychic centers helping us absorb higher vibrations of divine energy coming through.

  • Chakra's associated with her energy.

  • Meditation on Tara as Consciousness.

Goddess tara

Healing with Goddess Parvathi

The Goddess of Sacred Marriage & Will power.


She is the Energy behind creative power, the power of devotional love that brought beauty,  joy and bliss to the world.

She is the sacred feminine who brings Shiva into action, imagine the combination of strength and softness that would require.


She is a Mother as well as a Yogini.  She is of this world and yet not absorbed into its illusions. She is truly the epitome of the balanced Feminine and masculine energies within our psyche.

What to Expect in this session

  • Go into your heart to truly know what you desire and generate the willpower to achieve your goals.

  • Learn to balance your masculine feminine energies so you are in harmony with your true self and yet can achieve a balance externally.

  • The concept of sacred marriage - becoming one with your other half.

  • creating the 'us' space within relationships

  • Meditations & contemplation on the above.

Goddess Parvati

Healing with Ma Chinnamasta

The Goddess of Self-Sacrifice, helps in transcending our limitations so that we are the best versions of ourselves.

Goddess of Rising Kundalini Shakti - her fierce yet nurturing quality helps in spinning out all the subtle things that do not serve us.


Who are you? if you are not your name, face, head, or mind?


She is the Mother who has the ability to cut off her own head to nurture her children with the best.


She has the ability to also give us Shaktipat - spiritual initiation

She lives in society, but on her own terms...


When you have everyone telling you how to be, what to do etc...She can help you outgrow old patterns and conditioning to help you embrace your true fierce & sexy nature completely...


If you resonate with her, Do join us for this session.

What to Expect in this session

  • Yogic practices that help in revealing your deepest truth

  • Recognising Who am I?

  • Breaking free of rules and regulations and understanding your own desires and needs

  • Letting go of the need for perfection for the sake of society

  • The power to overcome internal obstacles toward self-realization

  • The need for setting boundaries

Goddess  CHinnamasta

Healing with Ma Dhumavati

One who knows the absolute as both the knowledge and ignorance, by ignorance crosses beyond death and by knowledge enjoys immortality. – Issa Upanishad.

 Known as the goddess of disappointment and letting go – despair, sadness, failure….

 A multi-layered teacher not many would choose her as a teacher.  She's the one around when you feel nothing is working and all is lost and gone.,  When we embrace Dhumavati's energy we rise from the Ashes like the Phoenix.

 If what you are going through right now, feels like the "dark night of the Soul' she is the one who will guide you through that journey.


She’s perceived as the void before awakening, also known as the Old wise crone of the west.


Can you handle her darkness?  It will eventually lead to bliss and peace ...


Need to know how to maneuver through challenges...? Feel called to learn from the wisdom of the crone?

What to Expect in this session

  • Learning true detachment & acceptance.

  • Finding peace & bliss when all seems lost or painful

  • Creating space for uncertainty and complete surrender.

  • Allowing for magic when all seems lost.

Goddess Dhumavati

Healing with Ma Radha

Known as the Golden Girl & Goddess of devotional romance & unconditional Love.

 The wounds of the Soul that transform our heavy emotions into the light.


Poem by John of the Cross

 “O living flame of love, that tenderly wounds my soul, in its deepest center!

O delightful wound, O gentle hand, O delightful touch, that tastes of eternal life and pays every debt!

In killing, you changed death to Life.”


Rumi “As your sword comes down on my neck, I will not take my eyes from your face.”


When your heart breaks, it makes space for the divine to flow through... there is a capacity for it to become all-encompassing love... It has the potential to give rise to Bhakti Yoga.

 Recognizing that the most painful things can be a doorway to the divine.

 Tuning into Radha’s energy can be like opening up the wounds in the heart for transformation into a higher form of love.

 Tuning into the power of grief and sadness to reach greater heights.


Most of us know how heartbreak feels. and some of us have had the blessing of having that situation in our life change us for the better.


Ever felt hopelessly in love and it was not being reciprocated in the way you wanted it to be?


If you resonate with her, Do join us for this session.

What to Expect in this session

  • Tuning into the power of grief and sadness to reach greater heights.

  • Recognizing that the most painful things can be a doorway to the divine.

  • How true love can change your life completely

  • The Yoga of internalizing and Externalising the emotions of pure love, joy, ecstasy

  • Understanding the ONENESS in all and Unconditional love for all beings on Earth.

  • Living your life as an offering to the Divine.

Goddess Ma Radha

Healing with Ma Sita

Goddess of Sacrifice & purity that leads to major world transformation.

Similar to Mother Mary’s sacrifices. – The energy of sacrificial love.


Daughter of the Earth – She symbolizes the sacrifices Mother Earth makes for all her children and the tests we keep putting her through over and over again. ( an avatar of Laxmi)


These days women don't wish to be like the Sita we know of, and for a good reason, Know Sati's story from the Divine Feminine perspective and not what we have been made to believe.  Endurance is passive, never weak.

Contemplating her story can bring up the collective grief of the feminine  & deep rage at the masculine.


The marriage of Ram & Sita is the Archetypical marriage of Heaven and Earth, - Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine  - Soul + Matter

 When Ramakrishna cried for Sita, it’s not only her pain, but something beyond it.. It is for the Earth and for the pain of the bodhisattva.


The tears we cry for Sita are for every woman held captive in painful circumstances – unbearable pain from separation from god.

When a woman with her love has the power to change or transform men.

What to Expect in this session

  • Learning that Endurance is passive, never weak.

  • Contemplating her story can bring up the collective grief of the feminine & deep rage at the masculine.

  • Self-Respect doesn’t need to be loud, it can be expressed more powerfully in silence.

  • Tapping into the strength of your Soul.

  • Connecting with Mother Earth & understanding the power that lies therein.

Goddesss Ma Sita

Healing with Goddess Lalita Tripura Sundari

The Mother of the Universe - She is also known as the elder sister of Ma Lakshmi &  the unification of the highest form of Love & power aspects of Parvati and Kali.


She brought back Desire (Kama - seed of life) back to life and thus with it the Joy, Delight (Kama's wife Rati)  & pleasure into the world.. Shes the enlightened Queen who that radiates in the form of  a strong woman who owns her power and is comfortable in her skin


The highest form of Shakti residing in the Crown Chakra/Sahasrara

What to Expect in this session

  • Understanding of the power of desire in creation.

  • Knowledge of sacred sexuality.

  • Transcending duality

  • Superbrain Yoga - the art of transmuting sexual energy for spiritual growth.

  • Meditation - Alchemy

  • Meditation -  activating the crown chakra

  • Meditation - integrating her soft & delicate yet powerful aspects into ourselves

Goddess Sri Lalita Tripura Sundari

Goddess Bhuvneshwari of infinite space, whose body is the whole world.

She is the Mother of the World. The void from where everything in creation is born and where it all dissolves after creation ceases. 


She is the gap between our breaths, as well as the oneness that is found in the 5 elements. 


She is the one who created the world, maintains it, and ultimately destroys one form to create another.

She is Cosmic Nature and the sacredness in everything including your body.


Om, it is full here, it is full there.

If fullness is taken from fullness, only fullness remains.

What to Expect in this session

  • Understanding consciousness.

  • Learn how to manifest life, by understanding your breath and with her Mantra.

  • Bringing grace and compassion into your life.

  • Learn how to create space to allow growth for others as well as yourself.

  • Meditation on Oneness.

Goddess Bhuvneshwari
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